Menswear | Shirts

The Forgotten Club Collar Shirt

Lloyd Hughes

The Club Collar Shirt Of Old

In the 1850’s, England’s Eton Col­lege updat­ed their school uni­form dress code. Lit­tle did they know, their round­ed dress shirt col­lar points would soon become a hit. The style was asso­ci­at­ed with the exclu­sive col­lege and a new trend began, giv­ing way to the “club” col­lar. This style peaked dur­ing the 1920’s as seen in HBO’s Board­walk Empire and neared its end on Madi­son Avenue in the 1960’s.


club collar shirt with pin

Back in style.

Cycli­cal style trends are a giv­en and the club col­lar has rode that wave back into promi­nence. Sev­er­al rep­utable design­ers are offer­ing shirts with them, includ­ing slim fit cuts and con­trast­ing col­ors. It’s an easy way to add per­son­al style to the sta­tus quo. Usu­al­ly worn with a col­lar pin and tie, it projects a for­mal appear­ance, but now with more options avail­able, the tie and pin can be left at home.

Keep in mind, how­ev­er, the club col­lar favors those with a slim, nar­row shaped face. If you have a rounder, fuller shape, a club col­lar will pro­nounce this fea­ture more so, an illu­sion of the eye. We have a basic guide on what to look for when find­ing the right col­lar.

Return to our home­page to learn more about cus­tom dress shirts.