
When To Cuff Your Jeans

Giorgio D'Antonio

Cuffing Your Jeans.

Cuffs on pants are a nor­mal sight these days, and some­what on jeans. Guys do occa­sion­al­ly cuff or roll their jeans. Some­times it works, some­times it doesn’t. More often, it’s a skin­ny roll when they’re a bit long, oth­er­wise, hem­ming them is the way to go. Here’s a look at works, and what doesn’t.

The thick, one fold cuff seems to be the trendy pick. It looks good, but gar­ners too much atten­tion to your feet. Also, a thick cuff makes a man look short­er.

Jeans thick cuff over boots
cuffed jean

Opt for a short­er cuff and if need­ed, roll them into a sub­tle skin­ny roll. Here, they’re rolled a lit­tle too high, show­ing “man­kles”, a look bet­ter suit­ed to the ladies.

Skinny jeans rolled and cuffed
rolled jean

Then there’s John Tur­tur­ro (always ter­rif­ic in a Spike Lee or Coen film) who doesn’t seem to care and looks good doing it.

John cuffing jeans on phone
john tur­tur­ro

Cuff or roll when needed. 

So I guess it real­ly depends on what type of jeans your wear­ing, the length and cut but most­ly who you are. Don’t fol­low the trends out there, but roll or cuff as need­ed. Neces­si­ty nev­er fails, mak­ing your appear­ance nat­ur­al rather than forced. Here’s an exam­ple of a thick roll but it works because he’s trust­ing his own style.

Regard­less if you roll or cuff your jeans, it looks best over dressier type shoes instead of sneak­ers, unless your sport­ing chino’s.

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