
Our Favorite Menswear Sites

Lloyd Hughes

The Best Online Sources For Menswear

We’re in the ser­vice of cus­tomized dress shirts. We pro­vide the can­vas and you cre­ate the mas­ter­piece. The inspi­ra­tion is up to you.

And inspi­ra­tion can be found every­where.

Online, there’s always help­ful infor­ma­tion for us clue­less cave men. We browse all the sites and blogs, keep­ing a pulse on what’s going on in the world of men’s style.

menswear style sites for inspiration and knowledge
style por­traits

We’d like to say thanks to the tal­ent­ed cre­ators for help­ing us look good. It’s not easy to know where the best deal is, the best look or best trend to ignore or fol­low, with­out their help.

A roundup of the menswear site we like.

Valet Mag offers up every­thing for the mod­ern man. Great tips on style and liv­ing, plus they have a nice question/answer sec­tion.

The GQ Eye is the men’s mag­a­zine blog, post­ing fre­quent­ly on men’s top­ics and trends. A dai­ly snap­shot from the experts.

Get Kempt also posts fre­quent­ly but their top­ics are less main­stream and they have fun doing it.

Mag­nif­i­cent Bas­tard keeps it sim­ple. You ask a ques­tion on style and they answer it, with fear­less wit and sharp satire.

Sar­to­ri­al­ly Inclined’s a blog with lean­ings towards prep. We’re not sure how he posts so fre­quent­ly with such good con­tent. Also, shoot him a ques­tion and he won’t blow you off.

Put This On is a two man oper­a­tion rec­om­mend­ing a mod­ern look with old school fun­da­men­tals. Also, they have great insight on good deals.

One Man’s Style is for those that want some­thing with a visu­al impres­sion. Four pho­tos per post, each rep­re­sent his sense of style, wants and desires.

Feel free to let us know the sites you fol­low.

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