Our First Fitting Event — This November 1st in Chicago

Chica­go | Oct 10 — Deo Ver­i­tas and our good friends at Naansense have joined forces for a spe­cial tast­ing and fit­ting event at Naansense’s flag­ship restau­rant at 171 N. Wells in Chica­go this Novem­ber 1st.

For those that don’t know, Naansense is new to the Chica­go foody scene but is quick­ly turn­ing Indi­an cui­sine (and heads) upside down. Their mod­el is focused on bring­ing fast, casu­al, decon­struct­ed takes on many tra­di­tion­al Indi­an clas­sics — from it’s sig­na­ture Pork Roti Roll to it’s Paneer Rice Bowl. At this event, you’ll be able to sam­ple these favorites along with many oth­ers in ‘tapas inspired’ tast­ings from acclaimed local chefs Hiran Patel and Sahil Singh. In addi­tion to the cui­sine, Deo Ver­i­tas own­er Vin­nie Sik­ka will be there answer­ing any and all ques­tions on it’s cur­rent prod­ucts (cus­tom dress shirts, ties, and acces­sories) as well as with pro­vid­ing free shirt fit­tings and con­sul­ta­tions. As many Deo V cus­tomers have lament­ed, “Can some­one from your com­pa­ny mea­sure me?” or “…where can I see sam­ples of your fab­rics and shirts?” Well, here you go…

Our First Fit­ting Event, this Novem­ber 1st at Naansense

This is the first of many events Deo Ver­i­tas hopes to spon­sor in the com­ing months. We’ll have plen­ty of sam­ple prod­ucts and hun­dreds of fab­ric swatch­es avail­able for view­ing. Grab a samosa, a drink (or three), and a free shirt mea­sure­ment — all under one roof as you swoon to the smooth sounds of our House DJ who’ll be spin­ning all night. As an FYI, folks that place orders dur­ing the event will be treat­ed to a spe­cial event dis­count.

How much does this event cost?
Noth­ing! Bring your­self and a good atti­tude and we’ll pro­vide the rest.

Do I need to RSVP?
It’s not required but it is cer­tain­ly pre­ferred. If you plan on attend­ing we ask that you use our Eventbrite page to RSVP with the num­ber of atten­dees you plan on bring­ing.  

I see that you’re offer­ing free booze.  Will this last all night?
Short answer … NO!  How­ev­er, in that this is a restau­rant with a BYOB license, vis­i­tors are more than wel­come to bring their own sauce.  We’ll have plen­ty of cups, bot­tle open­ers, and fruity umbrel­las.  

I’m still in Hal­loween attire … can I (we) attend?
Absolute­ly!  Just know that siz­ing you in a two man don­key suit will make for a lousy dress shirt.

Inter­est­ed in attend­ing? Vis­it our event page to RSVP.  Con­tact us direct­ly at support@deoveritas.com with any spe­cif­ic ques­tions.