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10 Things In A Man’s Winter Wardrobe

Lloyd Hughes

10 Essentials For A Man’s Winter Wardrobe

Head­ing into the fall, men all over the coun­try begin the chore of putting away their sum­mer sta­ples (and mem­o­ries) in favor of cold weath­er essen­tials. It is usu­al­ly a depress­ing feel­ing, more so because of the cold that will set in. Play­ing with tex­tures, lay­ers, and col­ors make the cold­er months a more intre­pid affair. And most men look for­ward to that at the very least.

Putting a num­ber on how many essen­tials one needs can be moot point. You need how­ev­er many you need, so let’s start with 10 for now. Par­don the lengthy post, we got car­ried away.

1- All about bags.

a — The much loved Alen­jan­dro Ingel­mo duf­fle.

Leather duffle bag man's winter wardrobe
b — A choice hold-all bag.

Per­fect for the trav­el­ing man on a week­end get­away, or short-haul busi­ness trips.



Leather hold-all bag man's winter wardrobe

c — A cov­et­ed Jerome Drey­fuss but­tery goat skin tote bag.

Very busi­ness casu­al in its approach, tote bags are the per­fect func­tion­al add-on with your ensem­ble on a day out. Through in a lunch box, a DSLR, and any oth­er acces­sories you can’t com­fort­able car­ry in your pock­ets. Totes are the mod­ern approach to car­ry­ing a clas­sic brief­case.



Tote bag man's winter wardrobe

d — Blind Chic, Big Bad Wolf 2 mes­sen­ger bag.

A per­fect com­pli­ment to your adven­tur­ous needs, in the city or wilder­ness. These mes­sen­ger bags are con­struct­ed of waxed can­vas, from a Hun­gar­i­an man­u­fac­tur­er. Pock­ets, adjustable straps, and oth­er func­tion­al aspects make this piece ver­sa­tile. Com­fort isn’t sac­ri­ficed either, with the use of padded shoul­der straps. Stuck in the rain? This bag is water­proof.


messenger canvas bag man's winter wardrobe

Man's winter wardrobe essential messenger bag


2 — T-shirt sweaters

Warm, and extreme­ly com­fort­able. Along with the drop shoul­der seams, you also get a great casu­al fit. Cour­tesy of Raf Simons.

t-shirt sweater man's winter wardrobe


Man's winter wardrobe t-shirt sweater colored

3 — Velvet blazer

Jimi Hen­drix, the epit­o­me of Pur­ple Haze puts your mind in a daze. Seen here sport­ing a maroon vel­vet blaz­er. Tru­ly a time­less piece for your col­lec­tion in cool­er cli­mates. Col­or options are end­less but try cocoa brown, rich black, maroon, dark pur­ple, char­coal or mid­night blue.

Velvet blazer man's winter wardrobe

4 — The best shoes

Remem­ber, Oxfords and Bal­morals are a closed lace.
Derby’s and Bluchers are an open lace.
Here’s a lit­tle bit of inspi­ra­tion from some great brands:

a — Anto­nio Mau­r­izi wingtip bal­morals (closed lace)

Wingtip footwear winter wardrobe

b — Berlu­ti — The Pierc­ing Col­lec­tion


Berluti shoes winter man's wardrobe

c — Gaziano & Girling Ltd — Balmoral’s with a touch of brogue-ing.

Gaziano and Girling men's shoes winter wardrobe


d — Gaziano & Girling — Two tone, half suede, half calf skin bal­moral wingtips.  

Gaziano and Girling fiddleback waist winter wardrobe

f — Loomis Chukksa from the Paul Smith Col­lec­tion. 

Paul smith chukkas winter wardrobe

g — Show some swag­ger with Ron­nie Fleg Boots

Ronnie Fleg boots winter wardrobe staple

h — Zon­key Boot

Walk miles in supreme­ly com­fort­able shoes from Zon­key Boot.

Zonkey Boot man's winter wardrobe

i — Saucony retro style sneak­ers

Saucony retro sneakers winter wardrobe


j — Alden — Blue suede tas­sel loafers.

Alden snuff suede perfect winter wardrobe


k — Pierre Corthay — Parisian bespoke shoe­mak­er.

Corthay shoe collection winter wardrobe

5 — Hat game

a — Bor­sali­no bowler / der­by hat. 

Bowler hat perfect for winter wardrobe

b — Bar­bi­sio fedo­ra / tril­by / Indi­ana Jones hat / Humphrey Bog­a­rt hat / gang­ster hat. A hat by many names. 

Winter wardrobe hat

A gangster and his hat winter wardrobe

c — The south side of Chica­go is deemed “The hat cap­i­tal of the world.”  I high­ly rec­om­mend those in and around the city to vis­it Opti­mo Hat Co.


Optimo Hats Chicago winter wardrobe


6 — Over­coats, morn­ing coats, and top coats — a per­fect win­ter wardrobe sta­ple

Some inspi­ra­tional illus­tra­tions from a bygone era, show­ing exquis­ite coats for a man’s win­ter wardrobe.

Coats for a man's winter wardrobe


Coats for a man's winter wardrobe

7 — Hoodie weather.

Keep a set of qual­i­ty hood­ies.  Pay close atten­tion to the qual­i­ty of the hood itself as a heav­ier hood is pre­ferred.

Perfect hoodies warm for winter wardrobe
Winter wardrobe hoodie

8 — Scarves — winter wardrobe favorites

Dec­o­rat­ing one­self in a scarf is a style in and of itself, not to men­tion the pletho­ra of scarf knots that fur­ther sig­ni­fy your niche. Pay heed to this extra long scarf, cour­tesy of Burber­ry Pror­sum.


Scarves for a man's winter wardrobe

John­ny Depp wears his scarf well.

Johnny Depp sporting winter wardrobe scarf

9 — Drop crotch denim.

An inter­est­ing take on den­im for the adven­tur­ous.

Crotch denim winter wardrobe

10 — Parkas — per­fect for a man’s win­ter wardrobe.

Your best com­pan­ion in win­ter is often a warm jack­et to fight the ele­ments with. Although it can be dif­fi­cult to find one that meets all your cri­te­ria, the par­ka is an excel­lent choice to con­sid­er. With an attached hood trimmed with a fur ruff, abo­rig­i­nals in cold areas used them exten­sive­ly for head pro­tec­tion all the way down to mid-thigh.

The body and sleeves are often sewn of cari­bou, ground squir­rel or seal­skin. Wolver­ine or wolf is used for the fur ruff. Con­tem­po­rary fan­cy or dress parkas lean toward vel­vet, cor­duroy or vel­veteen on the out­side, with a lin­ing and trim of wolf, fox, rab­bit or polar bear fur. They usu­al­ly zip down the front.

Every­day parkas may be lined with Thin­su­late TM or quilt­ed fab­ric, with fur trim only around the hem, cuffs and hood.  Mod­ern hoods may be only half as deep as tra­di­tion­al North slope hoods; they act more as pho­to­genic frames for the face than as pro­tec­tion from sub­ze­ro wind.

Muskrat and hare are the least priced furs avail­able, and com­mon­ly used for children’s parkas. For Alas­ka Native adults, parkas may be sewn of sea otter. The most expen­sive parkas are sewn entire­ly of wolf or wolver­ine.

Cold weather parka for winter wardrobe

Winter wardrobe parka for men