Our 1st Custom Dress Shirt Fitting Event is Nearing…

T-minus five days away from our first ever fit­ting event this com­ing Sat­ur­day — Novem­ber 1st in down­town Chica­go, cour­tesy of our friends at Naansense.  His­tor­i­cal­ly, when some­one has men­tioned Cus­tom Dress Shirts and Indi­an Food in the same sen­tence, the sto­ry has just not end­ed well.  A heavy dry clean­ing bill is usu­al­ly the end result.

With that being said you may be ask­ing, what have you Deo Ver­i­tas been doing since you last post­ed?  Stock­ing up folks.  Stock­ing up with just the right sup­plies.

Locked and Loaded…

But seri­ous­ly, we have been work­ing … HARD!  From craft­ing the per­fect menu, to prepar­ing a good sam­pling of cus­tom dress shirts and fab­rics, to final­iz­ing our guest list … it’s been a ton of work and we can’t wait to show it off.

Some com­mon ques­tions folks have been ask­ing:

Will we be able to see sam­ple prod­ucts?

Absolute­ly.  We’ll have a num­ber of sam­ple shirts, ties, acces­sories, fab­ric swatch­es, as well as an assort­ment of our col­lars and cuffs as stand­alone pieces that you’ll be able to touch and feel.

One of our sam­ple club col­lars being pre­pared for dis­play

Can I actu­al­ly buy some cus­tom dress shirts from you at the event?

Since we’re expect­ing to talk to a lot of folks in a lim­it­ed time frame, what we were plan­ning on pro­vid­ing are (elec­tron­ic and paper) gift cer­tifi­cates that cus­tomers can pur­chase at a very nice dis­count.  We’ll of course be set­ting you up with a mea­sure­ment pro­file and the prop­er login cre­den­tials so that once you’re ready to order, you’ll be able to eas­i­ly check­out and order.

Should I print out the Eventbrite RSVP tick­et and have it in hand when I (we) arrive?

Yes! We have a ton of peo­ple that we’re expect­ing and will not imme­di­ate­ly be able to accom­mo­date non RSVP guests.  If you’re not on the “list” our burly (yet friend­ly) door man­ag­er will polite­ly let you know where we’re at in terms of capac­i­ty and if we’re let­ting in non RSVP guests.

Twist my arm and con­vince me to come…

Ok, here we go.

1.) You get try out some incred­i­ble Indi­an food by two up and com­ing stars in the Chica­go food­ie scene.

2.) If you were ever in the mar­ket for a cus­tom dress shirt but were afraid for a myr­i­ad of rea­sons (tak­ing your own mea­sure­ments, not being able to actu­al­ly see / touch fab­rics and prod­ucts, not being able to talk to some­one in per­son) — well, here you go.  We’ve removed every one of those bar­ri­ers.

3.) Free drinks.  A cou­ple of of them any­way.  Don’t wor­ry, our bartender’s mid­dle name is “Heavy Pour”.

Any oth­er ques­tions?  Hit us up at support@deoveritas.com.