Menswear | Shirts

Deo Veritas Custom Dress Shirt Reviews

Lloyd Hughes

Custom Dress Shirt Reviews From The Menswear Community

Cus­tom dress shirt reviews are essen­tial when select­ing a shirt mak­er that you can’t phys­i­cal­ly vis­it.  Deo Ver­i­tas has been for­tu­nate to have had our cus­tom dress shirts reviewed by more than a few online jour­nals. The hon­est feed­back and expe­ri­ence from these reviews have guid­ed many to take the leap of faith and go cus­tom. We’ve com­piled some of the more rel­e­vant reviews here for ready ref­er­ence:

My Dapper Self  |  The Ultimate Online Custom Dress Shirt Review: 4 Top Brands Compared

Ed Ruiz, a renowned menswear enthu­si­ast and writer took it upon him­self to pro­vide an exhaus­tive review around the top online cus­tom dress shirt mak­ers.  We were hon­ored to learn that we not only fared well in the review but were ranked as the high­est rat­ed cus­tom dress shirt mak­er.

Find the post here.

Custom Dress Shirt Review - My Dapper Self

My Dap­per Self | The Ulti­mate Online Cus­tom Dress Shirt Review: 4 Top Brands Com­pared

The Kavalier  |  Fast Made to Measure Shirts:  A Deo Veritas Review (VIDEO)

Jon Shana­han runs the YouTube chan­nel ‘The Kava­lier’ which is focused on search­ing for the best mens cloth­ing on the inter­net in terms qual­i­ty, price, style, and over­all cus­tomer expe­ri­ence.  We pro­vid­ed Jon with a cou­ple shirts which he fea­tured in this review.

Find the video post here.


The Kava­lier | Fast Made to Mea­sure Shirts: A Deo Ver­i­tas Review

Gentleman Within  |  Custom Dress Shirts:  A Deo Veritas Review

Khoi Nguyen takes a prag­mat­ic approach to menswear and fash­ion.  His goal is sim­ple — to pro­vide prac­ti­cal and help­ful style tips, advice and inspi­ra­tion for guys that want to up their style game.  Khoi took the time to do a thor­ough review on not only our shirts but the whole shirt design / mea­sure­ment process.

Find the post here.

Custom Dress Shirts Review - Gentleman Within

Gen­tle­man With­in | Cus­tom Dress Shirts: Our Deo Ver­i­tas Review

Primer Magazine  |  How I Cloned My Best Fitting Shirt into Three More

Andrew Snave­ly is an acclaimed writer that offers his own DIY guide to man­hood via his online mag­a­zine — Primer.  In this par­tic­u­lar post, Andrew high­lights how he used Deo Ver­i­tas’ mea­sure your own shirt instruc­tions to ‘clone’ his best fit­ting shirt.

Find the post here.


Primer Mag­a­zine — Deo Ver­i­tas Review

Blue Loafers  |  Deo Veritas — Custom Dress Shirt Review

Lon­don based Miko­laj Pawel­czak start­ed his web­site Blue Loafers with a sim­ple premise — shar­ing his pas­sion for qual­i­ty menswear prod­ucts — focused on afford­abil­i­ty and val­ue.  In this instance, Miko­laj con­tact­ed us direct­ly about a spe­cif­ic col­lar that he was look­ing to emu­late.  In this post, Miko­laj shares his jour­ney with Deo Ver­i­tas as we craft a tru­ly one of a kind shirt.

Find the post here.

Custom Dress Shirt Review - Blue Loafers

Blue Loafers | Deo Ver­i­tas Cus­tom Dress Shirt Review

Casa di Sartoria  |  Deo Veritas: A Chicago Startup Disrupting the Custom Dress Shirt Industry

Across the north­ern bor­der, Toronto’s Casa di Sar­to­ria speaks to dif­fer­ent clas­sic menswear top­ics and lifestyle choic­es. Writer Hamza Khan was one of the first to try / review our Bam­boo / Cot­ton blend fab­rics — per­fect for the upcom­ing sum­mer swel­ter.

Find the post here.

Custom Dress Shirt Review | Casa di Sartoria

A Chica­go Start up Dis­rupt­ing the Cus­tom Dress Shirt Indus­try

A Curated Man  |  In Review — Deo Veritas

We had the plea­sure of deliv­er­ing a few shirts to Wale Solu­ade of A Curat­ed Man. He had read some of the our oth­er reviews and want­ed to give Deo Ver­i­tas a spin for him­self. We per­son­al­ly were fans of A Curat­ed Man and were thrilled to get his sar­to­r­i­al thoughts.  Hon­est and unvar­nished reviews are what serve to make the first MTM deci­sion eas­i­er.

Check out his review here.

Custom Dress Shirt Review - A Curated Man

A Curat­ed Man In Review — Deo Ver­i­tas