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Our Guide To Keeping Your Dress Shirt Tucked In All Day

Lloyd Hughes

Keeping Your Dress Shirt Tucked In All Day Long

Our Guide To Keeping Your Dress Shirt Tucked In All Day: keeping tucked in

The art of keep­ing your dress shirt tucked in is one that seems to elude most gen­tle­man from time to time. Not sur­pris­ing­ly, changes in fash­ion have caused the dress shirt to go through phas­es of being tucked in or left untucked.

Trends aside, keep­ing a neat­ly fit­ted dress shirt is impor­tant, espe­cial­ly dur­ing body move­ment. Even in the most seden­tary of jobs, shirts can still become disheveled.

If hav­ing to deal with client calls and meet­ings wasn’t enough, the embar­rass­ment of your shirt com­ing un-tucked is a seri­ous fash­ion faux pas. Con­stant­ly reach­ing around to tuck your shirt in is cum­ber­some, and eas­i­ly avoid­ed with a few tools and tricks.

Here’s a few rec­om­men­da­tions to get you that clean, pol­ished look.

The basics — a fitted dress shirt stays tucked in.

Buy a fit­ted dress shirt. This is impor­tant because it stays close to your body and doesn’t bil­low out. Make sure you get the right size, since fit is one of the keys to keep­ing your shirt tucked in.

Look out for but­tons that are tug­ging, as it won’t take much for it to start pop­ping out of your waist­band. If it doesn’t cov­er your butt, it won’t stay put, peri­od. Being able to keep your shirt tucked in begins with putting it on cor­rect­ly.

Put on your under­gar­ments, and then tuck your under­shirt into your briefs. Next, put on your shirt, smooth­ing it down against your body.

Last­ly, pull your pants on and fas­ten them over the shirt and but­ton up your col­lar if you plan to wear a tie.

Our Guide To Keeping Your Dress Shirt Tucked In All Day: long tails

Pho­to cour­tesy of The Mod­est Man

1. Method 1: Keeping your dress shirt tucked in using the military tuck.

The mil­i­tary tuck is a quick and easy way to smooth out the shirt against your body for a sleek­er pro­file, help­ing to keep your shirt tucked in as it avoids that look of bil­low­ing or mush­room top at the sides. It’s sim­ple.

Leav­ing the waist­band of your pants unbut­toned, you’ll begin by pinch­ing in an equal amount of excess fab­ric at each side seam. It should be just enough so that the shirt fits flush against your body, but not pull too tight­ly. Flat­ten the pinched fab­ric into a pleat and tuck it towards the back. Now, but­ton up the waist­band to secure it in place.

The beau­ty of it is that the tuck will be invis­i­ble at the sides, under your arms. Bear in mind you shouldn’t have much fab­ric with fit­ted dress shirts.

Our Guide To Keeping Your Dress Shirt Tucked In All Day: military tuck

Pho­to cour­tesy of Men’s Health

2. Hacks to keep your dress shirts tucked in.

Rub­ber­ized tape is a tailor’s trick that adds a lit­tle fric­tion at the waist­line. A good pair of trousers and most made-to-mea­sure pants have a band with strips of rub­ber sewn on the inside of the waist­band.

If they don’t, most good tai­lors have the rub­ber grip tape and you can get them to add it to the waist­band after the fact. A shirt keep­er is anoth­er device that hangs on to your shirt from the inside. It con­sists of an elas­tic strap that essen­tial­ly acts as a belt, hold­ing the shirt put around your waist.

Oth­er gad­gets designed to keep your shirt tucked in include small mag­net­ic hold­ers, which are placed on the inside of the shirt and under­shirt. Too much fab­ric can be a prob­lem with mag­nets, so get fit­ted dress shirts.

Our Guide To Keeping Your Dress Shirt Tucked In All Day: no slip rubber grip

A view of the no-slip rub­ber grip inside trousers. Pho­to cour­tesy of Arti­cles of Style

3. Shirt stays or shirt-tail garters to help keep shirts tucked in.

Shirt stays are your father’s — and grandfather’s – trick. They were invent­ed in the 1800’s, and they’ve last­ed this long for one sim­ple rea­son: they work.

You can bend, stretch, and get in and out of your vehi­cle twen­ty times a day, and the last thing you’ll ever have to wor­ry about is your shirt.

Shirt stays are like sus­penders. One end attach­es to the bot­tom edge of your shirt in the front and back, or at the sides, and the oth­er loops around your foot, or attach­es to the top of your socks.

This clas­sic method of keep­ing your shirt tucked in is used by the mil­i­tary and police when in dress uni­form. Try one from KK and Jay Shirt-tail Garters, a Brook­lyn-based brand.

Our Guide To Keeping Your Dress Shirt Tucked In All Day: shirt garters

Shirt garters help keep things close to the body and tucked in. Pho­to cour­tesy of Teach­ing Men’s Fash­ion

Test each method for keeping your dress shirts tucked in. 

For each of the meth­ods we’ve dis­cussed, some will like one over anoth­er. The key is to have sev­er­al options avail­able and find one that suits you.

Try each one of these tuck­ing-in meth­ods and find out which is prac­ti­cal, and works best for you. In our case, we do love the use of shirt stays to keep things under con­trol.

Here’s a short video from Real Men Real Style to illus­trate the use of shirt stays:


If you have any ques­tions or results to share, We’d be hap­py to hear about it! 
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